Lirik Lagu Westlife - My Love Lyrics
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Westlife merupakan grup boyband Irlandia yang populer. Mereka beranggotakan Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan, Mark Feehily, Shan Filan dan Brian McFadden. Westlife dikenal sebagai salah satu boyband terpopuler di dunia. Mereka memiliki banyak fans terutama di benua Asia yang didominasi oleh remaja perempuan. Westlife juga cukup sering menghasilkan lagu lagu hits yang sukses dan populer. Nada dan iramanya yang pop R&B serta lirik lirik romantis membuat Westlife banyak digemari. Beberapa lagu Westlife terbaik antara lain adalah I Have a Dream, My Love, Fool Again, Soledad, If I Let You Go, You Raise Me Up, What About Now dan masih banyak lagi.
Lagu berjudul My Love bisa dibilang sebagai single hits pertama yang melambungkan nama Westlife. Lagu My Love menjadi single andalan dalam album kedua Westlife berjudul Coast to Coast yang dirilis pada tahun 2000. Lagu ini sukses menjadi hits di awal millenium dan menstabilkan nama Westlife sebagai salah satu boyband papan atas dunia. Lirik lagu yang romantis dan enak didengar membuat lagu My Love ini cepat populer dan mudah diterima.

Lirik Lagu Westlife - My Love Lyrics
Judul Lagu : My Love
Artis/Band : Westlife
Album : Coast to Coast
Tahun : 2000
An empty street, an empty house
A hole inside my heart
I'm all alone, the rooms are getting smaller.
I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are
The days we had, the songs we sang together.
(oh yeah)
And all my love, I'm holding on forever
Reaching for the love that seems so far
So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue, to see you once again... my love.
All the seas from coast to coast
To find the place I Love The Most
Where the fields are green, to see you once again... my love.
I try to read, I go to work
I'm laughing with my friends
But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking. (oh no)
I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are
The days we had, the songs we sang together.(oh yeah)
And all my love, I'm holding on forever
Reaching for the love that seems so far
So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue, to see you once again... my love.
All the seas from coast to coast
To find the place I Love The Most
Where the fields are green, to see you once again...
To hold you in my arms
To promise you my love
To tell you from the heart
You're all I'm thinking of
Reaching for the love that seems so far
So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take its there
Where the skies are blue, to see you once again... my love.
All the seas from coast to coast
To find the place I Love The Most
Where the fields are green, to see you once again... my love.
Say it in a prayer (my sweet love)
Dreams will take it there
Where the skies are blue (woah yeah), to see you once again my love. (oh my love)
All the seas from coast to coast
To find the place I Love The Most
Where the fields are green, to see you once again....
My Love.
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